

--- Kalapatapu RK. “How Do I Know Which Medication to Select From Within a Therapeutic Class of Medications?”. Psych Congress Network. Accepted 1/23/2025.


--- Camfield K, Reedy A, Wolf C, Al-Tayyib A, Rinehart D, Simpson SA, BEAT Meth MIPD Expert Panel. “Diagnosis of methamphetamine-induced psychotic disorder: Findings of an expert consensus panel”. Early Intervention in Psychiatry. 2024 Dec;18(12):1015-1021. Pubmed ID: 38772874.



--- Feuer V, Mooneyham GC, Malas NM, Pediatric Boarding Consensus Guidelines Panel (Kalapatapu RK was in the panel). “Addressing the Pediatric Mental Health Crisis in Emergency Departments in US: Findings of a National Pediatric Boarding Consensus Panel”. Journal of the Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry2023 Nov-Dec;64(6):501-511. Pubmed ID: 37301325.


--- Dinh M, Elkin GD, Kalapatapu RK. “Managing a Suicidal or Gravely Disabled Patient on an Involuntary Psychiatric Hold and Who Has End-of-Life Orders: Key Factors to Consider in an Emergency Room Setting”. Current Research in Psychology and Behavioral Science. 8/2023. 4:10102.

--- O’Brien M, Hirschtritt ME, Tahir P, Kalapatapu RK“Experiences of Transgender and Gender Diverse Patients in Emergency Psychiatric Settings: A Scoping Review”Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians Open. 2023 Aug; 4(4): e13018. Pubmed ID: 37547378 

--- Kalapatapu RK. Tips for efficient night shift work in a psychiatric ED". Current Psychiatry. 5/2023. Vol. 22, No. 5, pp. 47-48.

--- Kalapatapu RK. “Tips for Health Insured Patients When Accessing Care”. Current Research in Psychology and Behavioral Science. 3/2023. 4:1090.

--- Kalapatapu RK. “Body-Worn Cameras by Security/Law Enforcement: Tips for Emergency Psychiatry Staff”. Current Research in Psychology and Behavioral Science. 3/2023. 4:1088.


--- Kalapatapu RK. “Boarding psychiatric patients in the ED: Key strategies”. Current Psychiatry. 6/2022. Vol. 21, No. 6, p. 52.

--- Kalapatapu RK, Ramos GA. “The skill of administering IM medications: 3 questions to consider”. Current Psychiatry. 2/2022. Vol. 21, No. 2, p. 10.

--- Folk JB, Hirschtritt ME, McCray QD, Kalapatapu RK. “Agreement between youth self-report and biospecimen-confirmed substance use: A systematic review”. Substance Use & Misuse. 2022 Jan 4: 1-8. PubMed ID: 35006043


--- Searles Quick VB, Herbst ED, Kalapatapu RK“Which Emergent Medication Should I Give Next? Repeated Use of Emergent Medications to Treat Acute Agitation”. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2021 Dec 7;12:750686. PubMed ID: 34950067


--- Kinasz KR, Herbst ED, Kalapatapu RK. “Case Report: Buprenorphine induction using transdermal buprenorphine in a veteran with opioid use disorder and psychosis: Managing precipitated withdrawal”Military Medicine. 2020. 185(9-10): e1872-e1875. PubMed ID: 32314788

---Kalapatapu RK. "Psychiatric emergency? What to consider before prescribing"Current Psychiatry. 9/2020. Vol. 19, No. 9, p. 52. 


--- Kalapatapu RK. “Prescribing medications in an emergency situation? Document your rationale”. Current Psychiatry. 11/2019. Vol 18, No. 11, p. 25 & 70.

--- Kalapatapu RK. “Organizing the P in a SOAP Note”. Current Psychiatry. 4/2019. Vol. 18, No. 4, p. 47.


--- Kalapatapu RK. “COMPRESS: Key questions to ask during shift changes in a psychiatric ER”. Current Psychiatry. 11/2018. Vol. 17, No. 11, p. 8.


--- Kalapatapu RK & Giles GM. "The Relational Neurobehavioral Approach: Can a Non-Aversive Program Manage Adults with Brain Injury-Related Aggression Without Seclusion/Restraint?". Disability and Rehabilitation. 2017. 39(22): 2261-2268. PubMed ID: 27636708

--- Kalapatapu RK, Dannenbaum TP, Harbison JD, Cohen BE. "Does Trauma Exposure Predict Prescription Drug Problems Beyond the Contribution of PTSD & Depression? An Analysis of the Mind Your Heart Cohort Study". Journal of Addictive Diseases. 2017. 36(3): 183-192. PubMedID: 28388283

--- Striebel JM, Nelson EE, Kalapatapu RK. "'Being with a Buddha': A Case Report of Methoxetamine Use in a United States Veteran with PTSD". Case Reports in Psychiatry. 2017. 2017: 2319094. PubMed ID: 28251011

--- Herbst E, McCaslin S, Kalapatapu RK. "Use of Stimulants and Performance Enhancers During and After Trauma Exposure in a Combat Veteran: A Possible Risk Factor for Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms". The American Journal of Psychiatry. 2017. 174(2): 95-99. PubMed ID: 28142270

--- Kalapatapu RK, Ventura MI, Barnes DE. "Lifetime Alcohol Use & Cognitive Performance in Older Adults". Journal of Addictive Diseases. 2017. 36(1): 38-47. PubMed ID: 27719514


--- Kalapatapu RK, Delucchi KL, Wang S, Harbison JD, Nelson EE, Kramer JH. "Substance Use History in Behavioral-Variant Frontotemporal Dementia versus Primary Progressive Aphasia". Journal of Addictive Diseases. 2016. 35(1): 36-41. Pubmed ID: 26485480


--- Askalsky P, Kalapatapu RK, Foltin RW, Comer SD. “Butyrylcholinesterase Levels and Subjective Effects of Smoked Cocaine in Healthy Cocaine Users”. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. 2015. 41(2): 161-165. PubMed ID: 25321637


--- Kalapatapu RK, Ho J, Cai X, Vinogradov S, Batki SL, Mohr DC. “Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Depressed Primary Care Patients with Co-Occurring Problematic Alcohol Use: Effect of Telephone-Administered vs. Face-to-Face Treatment – A Secondary Analysis”. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs. 2014. 46(2): 85-92. PubMed ID: 25052784

--- Kalapatapu RK, Neylan TC, Regan MC & Cohen BE. “Association of Alcohol Use Biomarkers and Cognitive Performance in Veterans with Problematic Alcohol Use and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Data from the Mind Your Heart Study”. Journal of Addictive Diseases. 2014. 33(2): 67-76. PubMed ID: 24717141

--- Striebel JM & Kalapatapu RK. “The Anti-Suicidal Potential of Buprenorphine: A Case Report". International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine. 2014. 47(2): 169-174. PubMed ID: 25084802


--- Kalapatapu RK, Delucchi KL, Lasher BA, Vinogradov S, Batki SL. "Alcohol Use Biomarkers Predicting Cognitive Performance: A Secondary Analysis in Veterans with Alcohol Dependence and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder". Military Medicine. 2013. 178(9): 974-980. PubMed ID: 24005546

--- Kalapatapu RK & Delucchi KL. “APOE e4 Genotype and Cigarette Smoking in Adults with Normal Cognition and Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Retrospective Baseline Analysis of a National Dataset”. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. 2013. 39(4): 219-226. PubMed ID: 23808899

--- Kalapatapu RK, Lewis DF, Vinogradov S, Batki SL, Winhusen T. “Relationship of Age to Impulsivity and Decision-Making: A Baseline Secondary Analysis of a Behavioral Treatment Study in Stimulant Use Disorders”. Journal of Addictive Diseases. 2013. 32(2): 206-216. PubMed ID: 23815427

--- Kalapatapu RK, Campbell A, Aharonovich E, Hu MC, Levin FR, Nunes EV. "Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of Middle-Aged versus Younger Adults Enrolled in a Clinical Trial of Web-Delivered Psychosocial Treatment for Substance Use Disorders". Journal of Addiction Medicine. 2013. 7(1): 66-72. PubMed ID: 23340711


--- Kalapatapu RK, Bedi G, Haney M, Evans SM, Rubin E, Foltin RW. “The Subjective Effects of Cocaine: Relationship to Years of Cocaine Use and Current Age.” The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. 2012. 38(6): 530-534. PubMed ID: 22812932

--- Kruse MI, Radnovich AJ, Kalapatapu RK, Mehdiyoun N, Chambers RA, Davidson D. “Effects of Alcohol Availability, Access to Alcohol, and Naltrexone on Self-Reported Craving and Patterns of Drinking in Response to an Alcohol Cue Availability Procedure”. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. 2012. 73(2): 205-215. PubMed ID: 22333328

--- Kalapatapu RK, Bedi G, Haney M, Evans SM, Rubin E, Foltin RW. "Substance Use after Participation in Laboratory Studies Involving Smoked Cocaine Self-Administration". Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2012. 120(1-3): 162-167. PubMed ID: 21840650


--- Kalapatapu RK, Vadhan NP, Rubin E, Bedi G, Cheng WY, Sullivan MA, Foltin RW. “A Pilot Study of Neurocognitive Function in Older and Younger Cocaine Abusers and Controls”. The American Journal on Addictions. 5/2011. 20(3): 228-239. PubMed ID: 21477051

--- Thompson W, Lande RG, & Kalapatapu RK. “Alcoholism”., 2/11/2011 version,

--- Swanberg MM & Kalapatapu RK. “Parkinson Disease Dementia”., 1/24/2011 version,


--- Kalapatapu RK. “Informed Opinion: Never Too Old”. Together: A Voice for Health and Recovery, 11/2010.

--- Kalapatapu RK, Paris P, Neugroschl JA. “Alcohol Use Disorders in Geriatrics”. International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine. 10/2010. 40(3): 321-337. PubMed ID: 21166341

--- Kalapatapu RK & Sullivan MA. “Prescription Use Disorders in Older Adults”. The American Journal on Addictions. 11/2010. 19(6): 515-522. PubMed ID: 20958847

--- Kalapatapu RK, Patil U, & Goodman MS. “Using the Internet to Assess Perceptions of Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder: What do Patients Want in DSM-V?”. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, & Social Networking. 10/2010. 13(5): 483-494. PubMed ID: 20950172

--- Kalapatapu RK. “Psychotherapeutic Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorders in Geriatrics”. Annals of the American Psychotherapy Association. Summer 2010: 54-60.

--- Kalapatapu RK & Dunn DW. “Schizophrenia and Other Psychoses”., 5/26/2010 version,

--- Kalapatapu RK. “Dementia: A Focused Review”. Psychiatric Times, Category 1 CME article for 2/2010 issue, 27(2): 59-66.


--- Kalapatapu RK & Popeo DM. “Electroconvulsive Therapy”., 12/2/2009 version,

--- Kalapatapu RK. “Geriatric Triple Board Residency or Post Geriatrics Portal Project”. Academic Psychiatry. 9/2009-10/2009. 33(5): 427. PubMed ID: 19828866

--- Kalapatapu RK. “Aripiprazole Treatment of Psychosis in a Child with Posterior Fossa Retrocerebellar Arachnoid Cyst”. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology. 6/2009. 19(3): 321-325. PubMed ID: 19519272

--- Kalapatapu RK. “Escitalopram Treatment of Stereotypic Movement Disorder in an Adolescent with Mitochondrial Disorder and Mental Retardation”. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology. 6/2009. 19(3): 313-316. PubMed ID: 19519269

--- Kalapatapu RK & Cristian A. “Assessment of Fatigue in Adults with Disabilities”. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America. 5/2009. 20(2): 313-324. PubMed ID: 19389613

--- Kalapatapu RK & Schimming C. “Update on neuropsychiatric symptoms of dementia: Antipsychotic use”. Geriatrics. 5/2009. 64(5): 10-18. PubMed ID: 19435390

--- Kalapatapu RK & Neugroschl JA. “Update on neuropsychiatric symptoms of dementia: Evaluation and management”. Geriatrics. 4/2009. 64(4): 20-26. PubMed ID: 19400596

--- Kalapatapu RK & Chambers RA. “Novel Objective Biomarkers of Alcohol Use: Potential Diagnostic and Treatment Management Tools in Dual Diagnosis Care”. Journal of Dual Diagnosis. 2/2009. 5(1): 57-82. PubMed ID: 20582236

--- Kalapatapu RK. “The angry patient with Asperger’s”. Current Psychiatry. 2/2009. Vol. 8, No. 2, p. 49-54.


--- Kalapatapu RK. Psychiatric Comorbidities and ADHD: Understanding the Diagnostic Challenges and Treatment Implications”., Newsletter, 8/27/2008.

--- Kalapatapu RK & Walsh KH. “Bulimia”., 8/12/2008 version,

--- Kalapatapu RK. “A-Z List of Buzz Words for the Boards”. American Journal of Psychiatry, Residents’ Journal, 5/2008, p.3-4.

--- Kalapatapu RK & Schmetzer AD. “Medical Management of Anxiety in Children and Adolescents”. Annals of the American Psychotherapy Association, Spring 2008, p. 46-47.

--- Kalapatapu RK.Pharmacologic Treatment of Anxiety Disorders”., Newsletter, 2/20/2008.

Raj K. Kalapatapu, MD, PhD

Associate Professor of Psychiatry

(Photographed by Sarah Swangler, San Francisco, California, 11/16/2021)